Volume 4, Issue 4 (11-2014)                   IJOCE 2014, 4(4): 491-508 | Back to browse issues page

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URL: http://ijoce.iust.ac.ir/article-1-189-en.html
Abstract:   (18554 Views)
During the planning phase of modern, complex, block-structured, large-area located, but still landscape-harmonized health-care buildings, the key is the optimal positioning of the blocks and functions, simultaneously ensuring the most-effective backup-paths for any transportation route failure in the buildings in order to speed up system operation, reduce maintenance costs and especially to improve patient safety and satisfaction. The importance of improving reliability and boundary conditions of the modelling in modern complex health-care building-systems are emphasized. A cost efficient pre-phase solution of mathematical, graph modelling is presented, with introducing link doubling to linearize a two segment, non-linear capacity-cost function. The developed and detailed mathematical graph model can be used as part of the architectural planning workflow. This model allows distinguishing the sharable part from the free part of capacity on a link in case of simultaneously routing multiple protection paths. Link doubling allows finding optimal routing of shared protection paths for failure cases. Two algorithms are proposed for routing of the guaranteed bandwidth pipes with shared protection which provides reliable building structures through thrifty additional resources. It is assumed that a single working path can be protected by one or multiple protection paths, which are partially or fully disjoint from the working one. This approach allows better capacity sharing among protection paths. The main aim of the recommendations is to achieve a reliable, fully operational building even if a failure, a reconditioning or emergency situation happens.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Optimal design
Received: 2014/11/18 | Accepted: 2014/11/18 | Published: 2014/11/18

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