Manuscript Organization

Submission of Manuscript
The language of the journal is English. Papers should deal with original research not previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere. The submitted paper should be accompanied by a list of 2-4 potential referees, with names and e-mail addresses. Manuscripts should be submitted online. The text should be typed using Word (version 6 and onwards). Figures and Tables should be mapped in the manuscript in the appropriate places.


Types of Articles
Article will be published in the following categories:

1. Research Papers: A full paper must be subdivided into sections e.g. Introduction, Experimental Procedure, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. The research papers including tables and figures should be limited to 26 pages.
2. Technical Notes: short scientific notes, such as useful methods with special application in Civil Engineering, or brief extension of a research/theory can be published as short notes. Abstracts and conclusions are compulsory.


Manuscript Organization
The text should be written in English, clearly typed (font size 11.5 points) on A4 paper and 1.5 spacing throughout with at least 2.5 cm margins. All the pages should be consecutively numbered.

Title Page
In addition to a brief, descriptive and concise title of the article (capital letters); the full name of the author(s), academic or professional affiliation and addresses should be included on the title page. The name and complete addresses including Telephone number, Fax number and E-mail address of the corresponding author should be given on the title page. This page should not be numbered.

Main Text
Headings: The manuscript should be divided into Introduction, Experimental procedure. Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, References. The introduction and conclusions are compulsory. The headings should be numbered and can include sub-division with relevant numbers.
Abstract and Keywords: Page 1 should include only paper title, abstract and keywords. Abstract is a concise summary of the intire paper and should briefly state the objective and approach and give the summary of results and conclusions drawn in one paragraph. The list of 3-6 keywords should be provided. The abstract should be at most 250 words
Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively  and should be sited within the text. A short descriptive caption should be given above each table.
Figures: Figures should be numbered consecutively and should be sited within the text. 
References: All publication cited in the text should be presented in the following forms: 
Journal references should be arranged as follows
  • Bathe KJ. Some remarks and references on recent developments in finite element analysis procedures, Comput Struct, 1991; 40(2): 201–2.

Conference papers should be arranged as

  • Eberhart RC, Kennedy J. A new optimizer using particle swarm theory, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Micro Machine and Human Science, Nagoya, Japan, 1995, pp. 39-43.

Book references are given as

  • Kaveh A. Optimal Structural Analysis, John Wiley, 2nd edition, Chichester, UK, 2006.

Type-settings will be sent to the corresponding author for proof reading.

Copyright Transfer Agreement: Upon submitting of an article by the authors, they should fill in the authorization form signed by the corresponding author, and the authors must warrant that they are aware of and in agreement with all the contents of the article and consent to their names appearing on it.

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