D. Sedaghat Shayegan,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (8-2022)
In this article, the optimum design of a reinforced concrete solid slab is presented via an efficient hybrid metaheuristic algorithm that is recently developed. This algorithm utilizes the mouth-brooding fish (MBF) algorithm as the main engine and uses the favorable properties of the colliding bodies optimization (CBO) algorithm. The efficiency of this algorithm is compared with mouth-brooding fish (MBF), Neural Dynamic (ND), Cuckoo Search Optimization (COA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The cost of the solid slab is considered to be the objective function, and the design is based on the ACI code. The numerical results indicate that this hybrid metaheuristic algorithm can to construct very promising results and has merits in solving challenging optimization problems.
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, S. R. Hoseini Vaez,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (8-2022)
The existence of uncertainties in engineering problems makes it essential to consider these effects at all times. Robust design optimization allows a design to be made less sensitive to uncertain input parameters. Actually, robust design optimization reduces the sensitivity of the objective function and the variations in design performance when uncertainty exists. In this study, two space trusses were optimized based on the modulus of elasticity, yield stress, and cross-sectional uncertainties in order to increase the response robustness and decrease the weight. The displacement of one node has been used as the criterion for Robust Design Optimization (RDO) of these two structures. Two trusses with 72 members and 582 members are considered, which are famous trusses in the field of structural optimization. Also, the EVPS meta-heuristic algorithm was employed which is an enhanced version of the VPS algorithm based on the single degrees of freedom of a system with viscous damping.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (8-2022)
In this paper, the improved shuffled-based Jaya algorithm (IS-Jaya) is applied to the size optimization of the braced dome with the frequency constraints. IS-Jaya is the enhanced version of the Jaya algorithm that the shuffling process and escaping from local optima are added for it. These two modifications increase the population diversity and ability the escape from the local optima of the Jaya. The robustness and performance of the IS-Jaya are evaluated by the three design examples. The results show that the IS-Jaya algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art optimization techniques considered in the literature.
V. Nzarpour, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)
Design optimization of cable-stayed bridges is a challenging optimization problem because a large number of variables is usually involved in the optimization process. For these structures the design variables are cross-sectional areas of the cables. In this study, an efficient metaheuristic algorithm namely, momentum search algorithm (MSA) is used to optimize the design of cable-stayed bridges. The MSA is inspired by the Physics and its superiority over many metaheuristics has been demonstrated in tackling several standard benchmark test functions. In the current work, the performance of MSA is compared with that of two other metaheuristics and it is shown that the MSA is an efficient algorithm to tackle the optimization problem of cable-stayed bridges.
M. Ilchi Ghazaan , A.h. Salmani Oshnari , A. M. Salmani Oshnari,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)
Colliding Bodies Optimization (CBO) is a population-based metaheuristic algorithm that complies physics laws of momentum and energy. Due to the stagnation susceptibility of CBO by premature convergence and falling into local optima, some meritorious methodologies based on Sine Cosine Algorithm and a mutation operator were considered to mitigate the shortcomings mentioned earlier. Sine Cosine Algorithm (SCA) is a stochastic optimization method that employs sine and cosine based mathematical models to update a randomly generated initial population. In this paper, we developed a new hybrid approach called hybrid CBO with SCA (HCBOSCA) to obtain reliable structural design optimization of discrete and continuous variable structures, where a memory was defined to intensify the convergence speed of the algorithm. Finally, three structural problems were studied and compared to some state of the art optimization methods. The experimental results confirmed the competence of the proposed algorithm.
S. Mohammadhosseini , S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)
The main aim of this study, is to evaluate the seismic reliability of steel concentrically braced frame (SCBF) structures optimally designed in the context of performance-based design. The Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method and neural network (NN) techniques were utilized to conduct the reliability analysis of the optimally designed SCBFs. Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) trained by back propagation technique was used to evaluate the required structural responses and then the total exceedence probability associated with the seismic performance levels was estimated by the MCS method. Three numerical examples of 5-, 10-, and 15-story SCBFs with fixed and optimal topology of braces are presented and their probability of failure was evaluated considering the resistance characteristics and the seismic loading of the structures. The numerical results indicate that the SCBFs with optimal topology of braces were more reliable than those with fixed topology of braces.
L. Mottaghi, A. Kaveh, R. A. Izadifard,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)
This paper presents a computational framework for optimal design of non-prismatic reinforced concrete box girder bridges. The variables include the geometry of the cross section, tapered length, concrete strength and reinforcement of box girders and slabs. These are obtained by the enhanced colliding bodies optimization algorithm to optimizing the cost and again CO2 emission. Loading and design is based on the AASHTO standard specification. The methodology is illustrated by a three-span continuous bridge. The trade-off between optimal cost and CO2 emission in this type of bridge indicates that the difference of costs, as well as CO2 emissions in the solution with both objectives is less than 1%. However, the optimal variables in the cost objective are different from the variables of CO2 emission objective.
M. Paknahad, P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)
Optimization methods are essential in today's world. Several types of optimization methods exist, and deterministic methods cannot solve some problems, so approximate optimization methods are used. The use of approximate optimization methods is therefore widespread. One of the metaheuristic algorithms for optimization, the EVPS algorithm has been successfully applied to engineering problems, particularly structural engineering problems. As this algorithm requires experimental parameters, this research presents a method for determining these parameters for each problem and a self-adaptive algorithm called the SA-EVPS algorithm. In this study, the SA-EVPS algorithm is compared with the EVPS algorithm using the 72-bar spatial truss structure and three classical benchmarked functions
A. A. Saberi, H. Ahmadi, D. Sedaghat Shayegan , A. Amirkardoust,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)
Energy production and consumption play an important role in the domestic and international strategic decisions globally. Monitoring the electric energy consumption is essential for the short- and long-term of sustainable development planned in different countries. One of the advanced methods and/or algorithms applied in this prediction is the meta-heuristic algorithm. The meta-heuristic algorithms can minimize the errors and standard deviations in the data processing. Statistically, there are numerous methods applicable in the uncertainty analysis and in realizing the errors in the datasets, if any. In this article, the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) is used in the error’s minimization within the relevant algorithms, and the used dataset is actually relating to the past fifty years, say from 1972 to 2021. For this purpose, the three algorithms such as the Imputation–Regularized Optimization (IRO), Colliding Bodies Optimization (CBO), and Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization (ECBO) have been used. Each one of the algorithms has been implemented for the two linear and exponential models. Among this combination of the six models, the linear model of the ECBO meta-heuristic algorithm has yielded the least error. The magnitude of this error is about 3.7%. The predicted energy consumption with the winning model planned for the year 2030 is about 459 terawatt-hours. The important socio-economical parameters are used in predicting the energy consumption, where these parameters include the electricity price, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), previous year's consumption, and also the population. Application of the meta-heuristic algorithms could help the electricity generation industries to calculate the energy consumption of the approaching years with the least error. Researchers should use various algorithms to minimize this error and make the more realistic prediction.
M. Shahrouzi, A. Salehi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)
In most practical cases, structural design variables are linked to a discrete list of sections for optimal design. Cardinality of such a discrete search space is governed by the number of alternatives for each member group. The present work offers an adaptive strategy to detect more efficient alternatives and set aside redundant ones during optimization. In this regard, the difference between the lower and the upper bounds on such variables is gradually reduced by a procedure that adapts history of the selected alternatives in previous iterations. The propsed strategy is implemented on a hybrid paritcle swarm optimizer and imperialist competitive algorithm. The former is a basic swarm intelligent method while the later utilizes subpopulations in its search. Spatial and large-scale structures in various shapes are treated showing successive performance improvement. Variation of a diversity index and resulting band size are traced and discussed to declare behavior merits of the proposed adaptive band strategy.
M. Nabati , S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)
The purpose of the current study is to design steel moment resisting frames for optimal weight in the context of performance-based design. The performance-based design optimization of steel moment frames is a highly nonlinear and complex optimization problem having many local optima. Therefore, an efficient algorithm should be used to deal with this class of structural optimization problems. In the present study, a modified Newton metaheuristic algorithm (MNMA) is proposed for the solution of the optimization problem. In fact, MNMA is the improved version of the original Newton metaheuristic algorithm (NMA), which is a multi-stage optimization technique in which an initial population is generated at each stage based on the results of the previous stages. Two illustrative examples of 5-, and 10-story steel moment frames are presented and a number of independent optimization runs are achieved by NMA and MNMA. The numerical results demonstrate the better performance of the proposed MNMA compared to the NMA in solving the performance-based optimization problem of steel moment frames.
M. Payandeh-Sani , B. Ahmadi-Nedushan,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)
In this study, the response of semi-actively controlled structures is investigated, with a focus on the effects of magneto-rheological (MR) damper distribution on the seismic response of structures such as drift and acceleration. The proposed model is closed loop, and the structure's response is used to determine the optimal MR damper voltage. A Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is employed to calculate the optimum voltage of MR dampers. Drifts and velocities of the structure’s stories are used as FLC inputs. The FLC parameters and the distribution of MR dampers across stories are determined using the NSGA-II, when the structure is subjected to the El-Centro earthquake, so as to minimize the peak inter-story drift ratio and peak acceleration simultaneously. The efficiency of the proposed approach is illustrated through a twenty-story nonlinear benchmark structure. Non-dominated solutions are obtained to minimize the inter-story drift and acceleration of structures and Pareto front produced. Then, the non-dominated solutions are used to control the seismic response of the benchmark structure, which was subjected to the Northridge, Kobe, and Hachinohe earthquake records. In the numerical example the maximum drift and acceleration decrease by about 36.3% and 15%, respectively, in the El-Centro earthquake. The results also demonstrate that the proposed controller is more efficient in reducing drift than reducing acceleration.
M. Paknahad, P. Hosseini, S.j.s. Hakim,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)
Metaheuristic algorithms have become increasingly popular in recent years as a method for determining the optimal design of structures. Nowadays, approximate optimization methods are widely used. This study utilized the Self Adaptive Enhanced Vibrating Particle System (SA-EVPS) algorithm as an approximate optimization method, since the EVPS algorithm requires experimental parameters. As a well-known and large-scale structure, the 582-bar spatial truss structure was analyzed using the finite element method, and optimization processes were implemented using MATLAB. In order to obtain weight optimization, the self-adaptive enhanced vibration particle system (SA-EVPS) is compared with the EVPS algorithm.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza, J. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)
Vibrating particles system (VPS) is a swarm intelligence-based optimizer inspired by free vibration with a single degree of freedom systems. VPS is one of the well-known algorithms in structural optimization problems. However, its performance can be improved to find a better solution. This study introduces an improved version of the VPS using the statistical regeneration mechanism for the optimal design of the structures with discrete variables. The improved version is named VPS-SRM, and its efficiency is tested in the three real-size optimization problems. The optimization results reveal the capability and robustness of the VPS-SRM for the optimal design of the structures with discrete sizing variables.
M. Ramezani, M. R. Mohammadizadeh, S. Shojaee,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in the development and deployment of control methods that use different components of the building to mitigate the seismic response of the structure. Meanwhile, the building facade, as a non-structural component, can be a suitable alternative in affecting the structure's behavior because of its role as an envelope of the building with a significant weight. Among the modular cladding systems, the Double Skin Facade (DSF) can be considered a passive system due to the distance of the exterior layer from the main structure and sufficient continuity and rigidity. In this study, DSF systems are used as Peripheral Mass Dampers (PMDs) that control structural movements by dissipating energy during strong motions. The PMD system provides a building with several inherent dampers without the need for extra mass. To show the reliability and efficiency of the proposed approach, the PMD model is investigated and compared with results available in uncontrolled and Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) models. The PMD model is examined in three structural frames with 10, 20, and 30 stories with the extreme Mass Ratios (MRs) of 5% to 20%. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is performed on damper parameters of PMD and TMD systems to minimize structural responses. The results demonstrate that an optimal PMD system with multiple inherent mass dampers outperforms a single TMD system.
M. Mohebbi, S. Bakhshinezhad,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)
The semi-active bracing system locks or unlocks the stand-by braces in an on-off mode utilizing a variable stiffness device (VSD). In this paper, the optimal design of a semi-active bracing mechanism and evaluating its performance in mitigating structural vibration under seismic loading have been studied. The optimal stiffness values of the semi-active braces have been determined by solving two optimization problems including minimizing the maximum acceleration and also minimizing the maximum inter-story drift by imposing a constraint on the maximum acceleration. The genetic algorithm (GA) has been applied to solve the optimization problems. To illustrate the design procedure, an eight-story linear shear frame under earthquake record has been considered and the optimal semi-active braces have been designed. In addition, to assess the performance of optimal bracing system under other records which are different from design record in terms of intensity and frequency content, the structure equipped with optimally designed semi-active braces has been tested under several ground motion records. The results show that the optimal semi-active bracing system has simultaneously reduced different responses of the structure although the acceleration reduction has mainly been less compared to the drift reduction.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)
In this paper, three recently improved metaheuristic algorithms are utilized for the optimum design of the frame structures using the force method. These algorithms include enhanced colliding bodies optimization (ECBO), improved shuffled Jaya algorithm (IS-Jaya), and Vibrating particles system - statistical regeneration mechanism algorithm (VPS-SRM). The structures considered in this study have a lower degree of statical indeterminacy (DSI) than their degree of kinematical indeterminacy (DKI). Therefore, the force method is the most suitable analysis method for these structures. The robustness and performance of these methods are evaluated by the three design examples named 1-bay 10-story steel frame, 3-bay 15-story steel frame, and 3-bay 24-story steel frame.
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, A. Naghian,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)
Cement, water, fine aggregates, and coarse aggregates are combined to produce concrete, which is the most common substance after water and has a distinctly compressive strength, the most important quality indicator. Hardened concrete's compressive strength is one of its most important properties. The compressive strength of concrete allows us to determine a wide range of concrete properties based on this characteristic, including tensile strength, shear strength, specific weight, durability, erosion resistance, sulfate resistance, and others. Increasing concrete's compressive strength solely by modifying aggregate characteristics and without affecting water and cement content is a challenge in the direction of concrete production. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) can be used to reduce laboratory work and predict concrete's compressive strength. Metaheuristic algorithms can be applied to ANN in an efficient and targeted manner, since they are intelligent systems capable of solving a wide range of problems. This study proposes new samples using the Taguchi method and tests them in the laboratory. Following the training of an ANN with the obtained results, the highest compressive strength is calculated using the EVPS and SA-EVPS algorithms.
S. Gholizadeh, C. Gheyratmand , N. Razavi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)
The main objective of this study is to optimize reinforced concrete (RC) frames in the framework of performance-based design using metaheuristics. Three improved and efficient metaheuristics are employed in this work, namely, improved multi-verse (IMV), improved black hole (IBH) and modified newton metaheuristic algorithm (MNMA). These metaheuristic algorithms are applied for performance-based design optimization of 6- and 12-story planar RC frames. The seismic response of the structures is evaluated using pushover analysis during the optimization process. The obtained results show that the IBH outperforms the other algorithms.
A. Kaveh, S. Rezazadeh Ardebili,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)
This paper deals with the optimum design of the mixed structures that consists of two parts, a lower part made of concrete and an upper part made of steel. Current codes and available commercial software packages do not provide analytical solutions for such structural systems, especially if a decoupled analysis is performed where the lower part is excited by ground motion and its response of total accelerations is used for the upper part. Due to irregular damping ratios, mass and stiffness, dynamic response of each part of a mixed structure differs significantly. The present paper aims at comparing of the optimum design of these structures under the coupled and decoupled models. Toward that goal, the coupled and decoupled time history analyses are performed and the optimum design of the two methods are compared. The results of the two approach show that the cost of the decoupled analysis is higher than the cost of the coupled analysis and the design of the decoupled method may be uneconomical, because the interaction between the two upper and lower parts is neglected.