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Showing 24 results for Optimal Design

A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza, J. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Vibrating particles system (VPS) is a swarm intelligence-based optimizer inspired by free vibration with a single degree of freedom systems. VPS is one of the well-known algorithms in structural optimization problems. However, its performance can be improved to find a better solution. This study introduces an improved version of the VPS using the statistical regeneration mechanism for the optimal design of the structures with discrete variables. The improved version is named VPS-SRM, and its efficiency is tested in the three real-size optimization problems. The optimization results reveal the capability and robustness of the VPS-SRM for the optimal design of the structures with discrete sizing variables.
G. Sedghi, S. Gholizadeh, S. Tariverdilo ,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

In this paper an enhanced ant colony optimization algorithm with a direct constraints handling strategy is proposed for the optimization of reinforced concrete frames. The construction cost of reinforced concrete frames is considered as the objective function, which should be minimized subject to geometrical and behavioral strength constraints. For this purpose, a new probabilistic function is added to the ant colony optimization algorithm to directly satisfy the geometrical constraints. Furthermore, the position of an ant in each iteration is updated if a better solution is found in terms of objective value and behavioral strength constraints satisfaction. Five benchmark design examples of planar reinforced concrete frames are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  
V. Goodarzimehr, F. Salajegheh,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2024)

The analysis and design of high-rise structures is one of the challenges faced by researchers and engineers due to their nonlinear behavior and large displacements. The moment frame system is one of the resistant lateral load-bearing systems that are used to solve this problem and control the displacements in these structures. However, this type of structural system increases the construction costs of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new method that can optimize the weight of these structures. In this work, the weight of these significant structures is optimized by using one of the latest metaheuristic algorithms called special relativity search. The special relativity search algorithm is mainly developed for the optimization of continuous unconstrained problems. Therefore, a penalty function is used to prevent violence of the constraints of the problem, which are tension, displacement, and drift. Also, using an innovative technique to transform the discrete problem into a continuous one, the optimal design is carried out. To prove the applicability of the new method, three different problems are optimized, including an eight-story one-span, a fifteen-story three-span bending frame, and a twenty-four-story three-span moment frame. The weight of the structure is the objective function, which should be minimized to the lowest possible value without violating the constraints of the problem. The calculation of stress and displacements of the structure is done based on the regulations of AISC-LRFD requirements. To validate, the results of the proposed algorithm are compared with other advanced metaheuristic methods.
B. Ahmadi-Nedushan, A. M. Almaleeh,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2024)

This study uses an elitist Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize material costs in one-way reinforced concrete slabs, adhering to ACI 318-19. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated the critical role of elitism in GA performance. Without elitism, the GA consistently failed to reach the target objective, with success rates often nearing zero across various crossover fractions. Incorporating elitism dramatically increased success rates, highlighting the importance of preserving high-performing individuals. With an optimal configuration of 0.3 crossover fraction and 0.45 elite percentage, a 92% success rate was achieved, finding a cost of 24.91 in 46 of 50 runs for a simply supported slab. This optimized design, compared to designs based on ACI 318-99 and ACI 318-08, yielded material cost savings of between 5.8% to 8.6% for simply supported, one-end continuous, both-ends continuous, and cantilevered slabs. The influence of slab dimensions on cost was evaluated across 64 scenarios, varying slab lengths from 5 to 20 feet for each support condition. Resulting cost versus slab length diagrams illustrate the economic benefits of GA optimization.

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