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R. Javanmardi , B. Ahmadi-Nedushan,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (8-2021)

In this research, the optimization problem of the steel-concrete composite I-girder bridges is investigated. The optimization process is performed using the pattern search algorithm, and a parallel processing-based approach is introduced to improve the performance of this algorithm. In addition, using the open application programming interface (OAPI), the SM toolbox is developed. In this toolbox, the OAPI commands are implemented as MATLAB functions. The design variables represent the number and dimension of the longitudinal beam and the thickness of the concrete slab. The constraints of this problem are presented in three steps. The first step includes the constraints on the web-plate and flange-plate proportion limits and those on the operating conditions. The second step consists of considering strength constraints, while the concrete slab is not yet hardened. In the third step, strength and deflection constraints are considered when the concrete slab is hardened. The AASHTO LRFD code (2007) for steel beam design and AASHTO LRFD (2014) for concrete slab design are used. The numerical examples of a sloping bridge with a skew angle are presented. Results show that active constraints are those on the operating conditions and component strength and that in terms of CPU time, a 19.6% improvement is achieved using parallel processing.
A. Kaveh, P. Hosseini, N. Hatami, S. R. Hoseini Vaez,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (1-2022)

In recent years many researchers prefer to use metaheuristic algorithms to reach the optimum design of structures. In this study, an Enhanced Vibrating Particle System (EVPS) is applied to get the minimum weight of large-scale dome trusses under frequency constraints. Vibration frequencies are important parameters, which can be used to control the responses of a structure that is subjected to dynamic excitation. The truss structures were analyzed by finite element method and optimization processes were implemented by the computer program coded in MATLAB. The effectiveness and efficiency of the Enhanced Vibrating Particle System (EVPS) is investigated in three large-scale dome trusses 600-, 1180-, and 1410-bar to obtain the weight optimization with frequency constraints.
M. Roozbahan,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

Some structural control systems have been devised to protect structures against earthquakes, which the tuned mass damper (TMD) being one of the earliest. The effect of a tuned mass damper depends on its properties, such as mass, damping coefficient, and stiffness. The parameters of tuned mass dampers need to be tuned based on the main system and applied load. In most of the papers, the parameters of TMDs have been tuned based on the nominal parameters of structures. Also, most of the studies considered the minimization of maximum displacement of structure as the objective function of optimizing the parameters of tuned mass dampers. In this study, according to the Monte Carlo method and using the Mouth Brooding Fish algorithm, TMDs have been optimized based on the reliability of structures regarding the uncertain parameters of buildings, and their efficiency in the reduction of maximum displacement and failure probability of hundreds generated buildings with uncertain parameters, are compared with the efficiency of the displacement-based optimized TMDs. The results show that the TMDs optimized regarding uncertainty have better efficiency in reducing the maximum displacement, and failure probability of buildings than the TMDs optimized regarding nominal parameters of buildings. Also, according to the results, the displacement-based optimized TMDs regarding uncertainty show better efficiency in reducing the failure probability and displacement of the buildings than reliability-based optimized TMDs.
A. Kaveh, J. Jafari Vafa,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

The cycle basis of a graph arises in a wide range of engineering problems and has a variety of applications. Minimal and optimal cycle bases reduce the time and memory required for most of such applications. One of the important applications of cycle basis in civil engineering is its use in the force method to frame analysis to generate sparse flexibility matrices, which is needed for optimal analysis.
In this paper, the simulated annealing algorithm has been employed to form suboptimal cycle basis. The simulated annealing algorithm works by using local search generating neighbor solution, and also escapes local optima by accepting worse solutions. The results show that this algorithm can be used to generate suboptimal and subminimal cycle bases. Compared to the existing heuristic algorithms, it provides better results. One of the advantages of this algorithm is its simplicity and its ease for implementation.
A. Kaveh, M. Kamalinejad, K. Biabani Hamedani, H. Arzani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

As a novel strategy, Quantum-behaved particles use uncertainty law and a distinct formulation obtained from solving the time-independent Schrodinger differential equation in the delta-potential-well function to update the solution candidates’ positions. In this case, the local attractors as potential solutions between the best solution and the others are introduced to explore the solution space. Also,  the difference between the average and another solution is established as a new step size. In the present paper, the quantum teacher phase is introduced to improve the performance of the current version of the teacher phase of the Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization algorithm (TLBO) by using the formulation obtained from solving the time-independent Schrodinger equation predicting the probable positions of optimal solutions. The results show that QTLBO, an acronym for the Quantum Teaching- Learning- Based Optimization, improves the stability and robustness of the TLBO by defining the quantum teacher phase. The two circulant space trusses with multiple frequency constraints are chosen to verify the quality and performance of QTLBO. Comparing the results obtained from the proposed algorithm with those of the standard version of the TLBO algorithm and other literature methods shows that QTLBO increases the chance of finding a better solution besides improving the statistical criteria compared to the current TLBO.
F. Biabani, A. Razzazi, S. Shojaee, S. Hamzehei-Javaran,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (4-2022)

Presently, the introduction of intelligent models to optimize structural problems has become an important issue in civil engineering and almost all other fields of engineering. Optimization models in artificial intelligence have enabled us to provide powerful and practical solutions to structural optimization problems. In this study, a novel method for optimizing structures as well as solving structure-related problems is presented. The main purpose of this paper is to present an algorithm that addresses the major drawbacks of commonly-used algorithms including the Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm (GWO), the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), and the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO), and at the same time benefits from a high convergence rate. Also, another advantage of the proposed CGPGC algorithm is its considerable flexibility to solve a variety of optimization problems. To this end, we were inspired by the GSA law of gravity, the GWO's top three search factors, the PSO algorithm in calculating speed, and the cellular machine theory in the realm of population segmentation. The use of cellular neighborhood reduces the likelihood of getting caught in the local optimal trap and increases the rate of convergence to the global optimal point. Achieving reasonable results in mathematical functions (CEC 2005) and spatial structures (with a large number of variables) in comparison with those from GWO, GSA, PSO, and some other common heuristic algorithms shows an enhancement in the performance of the introduced method compared to the other ones.
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, N. Hatami, S. R. Hoseini Vaez,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (4-2022)

Metaheuristic algorithms are preferred by the many researchers to reach the reliability based design optimization (RBDO) of truss structures. The cross-sectional area of the elements of a truss is considered as design variables for the size optimization under frequency constraints. The design of dome truss structures are optimized based on reliability by a popular metaheuristic optimization technique named Enhanced Vibrating Particle System (EVPS). Finite element analyses of structures and optimization process are coded in MATLAB. Large-scale dome truss of 600-bar, 1180-bar and 1410-bar are investigated in this paper and are compared with the previous studies. Also, a comparison is made between the reliability indexes of Deterministic Design Optimization (DDO) for large dome trusses and Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO).
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, S. R. Hoseini Vaez,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (8-2022)

The existence of uncertainties in engineering problems makes it essential to consider these effects at all times. Robust design optimization allows a design to be made less sensitive to uncertain input parameters. Actually, robust design optimization reduces the sensitivity of the objective function and the variations in design performance when uncertainty exists. In this study, two space trusses were optimized based on the modulus of elasticity, yield stress, and cross-sectional uncertainties in order to increase the response robustness and decrease the weight. The displacement of one node has been used as the criterion for Robust Design Optimization (RDO) of these two structures. Two trusses with 72 members and 582 members are considered, which are famous trusses in the field of structural optimization. Also, the EVPS meta-heuristic algorithm was employed which is an enhanced version of the VPS algorithm based on the single degrees of freedom of a system with viscous damping.
V. Nzarpour, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)

Design optimization of cable-stayed bridges is a challenging optimization problem because a large number of variables is usually involved in the optimization process. For these structures the design variables are cross-sectional areas of the cables. In this study, an efficient metaheuristic algorithm namely, momentum search algorithm (MSA) is used to optimize the design of cable-stayed bridges. The MSA is inspired by the Physics and its superiority over many metaheuristics has been demonstrated in tackling several standard benchmark test functions. In the current work, the performance of MSA is compared with that of two other metaheuristics and it is shown that the MSA is an efficient algorithm to tackle the optimization problem of cable-stayed bridges.
M. Paknahad, P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2023)

Optimization methods are essential in today's world. Several types of optimization methods exist, and deterministic methods cannot solve some problems, so approximate optimization methods are used. The use of approximate optimization methods is therefore widespread. One of the metaheuristic algorithms for optimization, the EVPS algorithm has been successfully applied to engineering problems, particularly structural engineering problems. As this algorithm requires experimental parameters, this research presents a method for determining these parameters for each problem and a self-adaptive algorithm called the SA-EVPS algorithm. In this study, the SA-EVPS algorithm is compared with the EVPS algorithm using the 72-bar spatial truss structure and three classical benchmarked functions
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza, J. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

Vibrating particles system (VPS) is a swarm intelligence-based optimizer inspired by free vibration with a single degree of freedom systems. VPS is one of the well-known algorithms in structural optimization problems. However, its performance can be improved to find a better solution. This study introduces an improved version of the VPS using the statistical regeneration mechanism for the optimal design of the structures with discrete variables. The improved version is named VPS-SRM, and its efficiency is tested in the three real-size optimization problems. The optimization results reveal the capability and robustness of the VPS-SRM for the optimal design of the structures with discrete sizing variables.
M. Ramezani, M. R. Mohammadizadeh, S. Shojaee,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (4-2023)

In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in the development and deployment of control methods that use different components of the building to mitigate the seismic response of the structure. Meanwhile, the building facade, as a non-structural component, can be a suitable alternative in affecting the structure's behavior because of its role as an envelope of the building with a significant weight. Among the modular cladding systems, the Double Skin Facade (DSF) can be considered a passive system due to the distance of the exterior layer from the main structure and sufficient continuity and rigidity.  In this study, DSF systems are used as Peripheral Mass Dampers (PMDs) that control structural movements by dissipating energy during strong motions. The PMD system provides a building with several inherent dampers without the need for extra mass. To show the reliability and efficiency of the proposed approach, the PMD model is investigated and compared with results available in uncontrolled and Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) models. The PMD model is examined in three structural frames with 10, 20, and 30 stories with the extreme Mass Ratios (MRs) of 5% to 20%. The Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is performed on damper parameters of PMD and TMD systems to minimize structural responses. The results demonstrate that an optimal PMD system with multiple inherent mass dampers outperforms a single TMD system.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)

In this paper, three recently improved metaheuristic algorithms are utilized for the optimum design of the frame structures using the force method. These algorithms include enhanced colliding bodies optimization (ECBO), improved shuffled Jaya algorithm (IS-Jaya), and Vibrating particles system - statistical regeneration mechanism algorithm (VPS-SRM). The structures considered in this study have a lower degree of statical indeterminacy (DSI) than their degree of kinematical indeterminacy (DKI). Therefore, the force method is the most suitable analysis method for these structures. The robustness and performance of these methods are evaluated by the three design examples named 1-bay 10-story steel frame, 3-bay 15-story steel frame, and 3-bay 24-story steel frame.
A. Fatholahi, S. Sadat Sajadieh, R. Kamgar, R. Rohani Sarvestani, R. Alipour,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)

Improving the quality of open spaces and human comfort is necessary for more human-inaccessible spaces. Therefore, bus stations as open spaces for traveling thousands of people continuously are considered essential in absorbing sun rays and providing comfort. This paper investigates the performance of BRT stations in Tehran province in the summer, considering the highest shading. The second stage proposes a new graphic cable-stayed roof to compare the sun's path and shade. Ten stations of Moein-Tajrish terminals with South-North orientation were selected in this regard. Then, all the station details were calculated and analyzed in the Grasshopper Modeling Software. And the shadow and sunlight were evaluated and analyzed during the summer months between 12 am to 2 pm at noon. In order to evaluate the compatibility of the selected samples, three variables, including orientation, the height of the awning, and the slope of the awning, were considered orientation of 5, the height of 1, and the gradient of 19 introduced as the most optimal model. Also, studies and analyses were carried out in Honey Bee & Ladybug plugins, including Qualitative Analysis, Hourly Quantitative Analysis, and Energy Quantitative Analysis. The results showed that the selected case sample is more than 55% in the desired shading. The second stage proposes a new graphic cable-stayed roof to compare the sun's path and shade for the structure.
M. Shahrouzi, S.-Sh. Emamzadeh, Y. Naserifar,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

Shape optimization of a double-curved dam is formulated using control points for interpolation functions. Every design vector is decoded into the integrated water-dam-foundation rock model. An enhanced algorithm is proposed by hybridizing particle swarm algorithm with ant colony optimization and simulated annealing. The best experiences of the search agents are indirectly shared via pheromone trail deposited on a bi-partite characteristic graph. Such a stochastic search is further tuned by Boltzmann functions in simulated annealing. The proposed method earned the first rank in comparison with six well-known meta‑heuristic algorithms in solving benchmark test functions. It captured the optimal shape design of Morrow Point dam, as a widely addressed case-study, by 21% reduced concrete volume with respect to the common USBR design practice and 16% better than the particle swarm optimizer. Such an optimal design was also superior to the others in stress redistribution for better performance of the dam system.
A. Kaveh, A. Zaerreza,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (10-2023)

This paper presents the chaotic variants of the particle swarm optimization-statistical regeneration mechanism (PSO-SRM). The nine chaotic maps named Chebyshev, Circle, Iterative, Logistic, Piecewise, Sine, Singer, Sinusoidal, and Tent are used to increase the performance of the PSO-SRM. These maps are utilized instead of the random number, which defines the solution generation method. The robustness and performance of these methods are tested in the three steel frame design problems, including the 1-bay 10-story steel frame, 3-bay 15-story steel frame, and 3-bay 24-story steel frame. The optimization results reveal that the applied chaotic maps improve the performance of the PSO-SRM.
A. Yadbayza-Moghaddam, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2024)

The primary objective of this paper is to propose a novel technique for hybridizing various metaheuristic algorithms to optimize the size of discrete structures. To accomplish this goal, two well-known metaheuristic algorithms, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and enhanced colliding bodies optimization (ECBO) are hybridized to propose a new algorithm called hybrid PSO-ECBO (HPE) algorithm. The performance of the new HPE algorithm is investigated in solving the challenging structural optimization problems of discrete steel trusses and an improvement in results has been achieved. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed HPE algorithm over the original versions of PSO, ECBO, and some other algorithms in the literature.
A. Hadinejad, B. Ganjavi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2024)

In this study, the investigation of maximum inelastic displacement demands in steel moment- resisting (SMR) frames designed using the Performance-Based Plastic Design (PBPD) method is conducted under both near-fault and far-fault earthquake records. The PBPD method utilizes a target drift and predetermined yield mechanism as the functional limit state. To accomplish this, 6 steel moment frames having various heights were scaled using well-known sa(T1)  method and, then, were analyzed by OPENSEES software. A total of 22 far-fault records and 90 near-fault records were compiled and employed for parametric nonlinear dynamic analysis. The near-fault records were classified into two categories: T1/Tp≥1  and T1/Tp<1 . The study aimed at investigate their impacts on the inter-story drift and the relative distribution of base shear along the height of the structure. The results revealed that the records with T1/Tp≥1   exerted the greatest influence on the drift demands of upper stories in all frames. Conversely, the near-fault records with T1/Tp<1  demonstrated the most significant impact on the lower stories of mid-rise frames. Additionally, the distribution of relative story shears was examined through genetic programming for optimum PBPD design of steel moment frame structures. As a result, a proposed relationship, denoted as b (seismic parameter for design lateral force distribution), was developed and optimized for both near-fault and far-fault records. This relationship depends on the fundamental period of vibration and the total height of the structure. The accuracy of the predicted model was assessed using R2 , which confirmed the reliability of the proposed relationship.
M. A. Roudak, M. A. Shayanfar, M. Farahani, S. Badiezadeh, R. Ardalan,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)

Genetic algorithm is a robust meta-heuristic algorithm inspired by the theory of natural selection to solve various optimization problems. This study presents a method with the purpose of promoting the exploration and exploitation of genetic algorithm. Improvement in exploration ability is made by adjusting the initial population and adding a group of fixed stations. This modification increases the diversity among the solution population, which enables the algorithm to escape from local optimum and to converge to the global optimum even in fewer generations. On the other hand, to enhance the exploitation ability, increasing the number of selected parents is suggested and a corresponding crossover technique has been presented. In the proposed technique, the number of parents to generate offspring is variable during the process and it could be potentially more than two. The effectiveness of the modifications in the proposed method has been verified by examining several benchmark functions and engineering design problems.
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, A. Naghian, A. Abedi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2024)

This study aimed to develop and optimize artificial stone mix designs incorporating microsilica using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Initially, 10 base mix designs were prepared and tested based on previous experience and literature. The test results were used to train an ANN model. The trained ANN was then optimized using SA-EVPS and EVPS algorithms to maximize 28-day compressive strength, with aggregate gradation as the optimization variable. The optimized mixes were produced and tested experimentally, revealing some discrepancies with the ANN predictions. The ANN was retrained using the original and new experimental data, and the optimization process was repeated iteratively until an acceptable agreement was achieved between predicted and measured strengths. This approach demonstrates the potential of combining ANNs and metaheuristic algorithms to efficiently optimize artificial stone mix designs, reducing the need for extensive physical testing.

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