M. Shahrouzi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)
During the process of continuum topology optimization some pattern discontinuities may arise. It is an important challenge to overcome such irregularities in order to achieve or interpret the true optimal layout. The present work offers an efficient algorithm based on graph theoretical approach regarding density priorities. The developed method can recognize and handle solid continuous regions in a pre-optimized media. An illustrative example shows how the proposed priority guided trees can successfully distinguish the most crucial parts of the continuum during topology optimization.
Pooya Zakian, Pegah Zakian,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)
In this study, the support vector machine and Monte Carlo simulation are applied to predict natural frequencies of truss structures with uncertainties. Material and geometrical properties (e.g., elasticity modulus and cross-section area) of the structure are assumed to be random variables. Thus, the effects of multiple random variables on natural frequencies are investigated. Monte Carlo simulation is used for probabilistic eigenvalue analysis of the structure. In order to reduce the computational cost of Monte Carlo simulation, a support vector machine model is trained to predict the required natural frequencies of the structure computed in the simulations. The provided examples demonstrate the computational efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method compared to the direct Monte Carlo simulation in the computation of the natural frequencies for trusses with random parameters.
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, A. Naghian, A. Abedi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)
The global population growth and the subsequent surge in housing demand have inevitably led to an increase in the demand for concrete, and consequently, cement. This has posed environmental challenges, as cement factories are significant contributors to carbon dioxide emissions. One promising solution is to incorporate pozzolanic materials into concrete production. This study investigates the effects of using travertine sludge as a partial substitute for cement. Seven different mix designs, along with a control mix, were created and compared. The primary variable was the ratio of travertine sludge to cement weight, considered in intervals of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% of the cement's weight. Various tests were conducted, including compressive strength and flexural strength at ages of 7, 28, and 90 days, as well as a permeability test at 28 days. The findings revealed interesting patterns. At the 7-day mark, as the percentage of travertine sludge increased, there was a decrease in compressive strength. However, by the 28-day mark, the concrete displayed a varied behavior: using up to 30% travertine sludge by weight reduced the strength, but exceeding 30% resulted in increased strength. At the 90-day mark, an overall increase in strength was observed with the rise in travertine sludge percentage. Such pozzolanic effects on compressive strength were somewhat predictable. Additionally, based on the flexural strength tests, travertine sludge can be deemed a viable substitute for a certain percentage of cement by weight. This research underscores the potential of sustainable alternatives in the construction industry, promoting both professional development and personal branding for those engaged in eco-friendly practices.
A. Ghaderi, M. Nouri, L. Hosseinzadeh, A. Ferdousi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)
Seismic vibration control refers to a range of technical methods designed to reduce the effects of earthquakes on building structures and many other engineering systems. Most of the recently developed methods in this area have been investigated in vibration suppression of buildings structures each of which have advantages and disadvantages in dealing with complex structural systems and destructive earthquakes. This study aims to implement two of the well-known passive control systems as Base Isolation (BI) and Mass Damper (MD) control as a hybrid control scheme in order to reduce the seismic vibration of tall tubular buildings in dealing with different types of earthquakes. For this purpose, a 50-story tall building is considered with tubular structural system while the hybrid BI-MD control system ins implemented in the building for vibration control purposes. Since the parameter tuning process is one of the key aspects of the passive control systems, a metaheuristic-based parameter optimization process is conducted for this purpose in which a new upgraded version of the standard Gazelle Optimization Algorithm (GOA) is proposed as UGOA while the Chaos Theory (CT) is used instead of random movements in the main search loop of the UGOA in order to enhance the overall performance of the standard algorithm. The results show that the upgraded algorithm is capable of conducting better search in dealing with the optimal hybrid control of structural systems.
Z.h.f. Jafar, S. Gholizadeh,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)
The main objective of this study is to predict the maximum inter-story drift ratios of steel moment-resisting frame (MRF) structures at different seismic performance levels using feed-forward back-propagation (FFBP) neural network models. FFBP neural network models with varying numbers of hidden layer neurons (5, 10, 15, 20, and 50) were trained to predict the maximum inter-story drift ratios of 5- and 10-story steel MRF structures. The numerical simulations indicate that FFBP neural network models with ten hidden layer neurons better predict the inter-story drift ratios at seismic performance levels for both 5- and 10-story steel MRFs compared to other neural network models.
A.h. Karimi, A. Bazrafshan Moghaddam,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (2-2024)
Most industrial-practical projects deal with nonlinearity phenomena. Therefore, it is vital to implement a nonlinear method to analyze their behavior. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is one of the most powerful and popular numerical methods for either linear or nonlinear analysis. Although this method is absolutely robust, it suffers from some drawbacks. One of them is convergency issues, especially in large deformation problems. Prevalent iterative methods such as the Newton-Raphson algorithm and its various modified versions cannot converge in certain problems including some cases such as snap-back or through-back. There are some appropriate methods to overcome this issue such as the arc-length method. However, these methods are difficult to implement. In this paper, a computational framework is presented based on meta-heuristic algorithms to improve nonlinear finite element analysis, especially in large deformation problems. The proposed method is verified via different benchmark problems solved by commercial software. Finally, the robustness of the proposed algorithm is discussed compared to the classic methods.
Dr V.r. Mahdavi, Prof. A. Kaveh,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2024)
In order to evaluate the damage state, value, and position of structural members more accurately, a multi-objective optimization (MO) method is utilized that is based on changes in natural frequency. The multi-objective optimization dynamic-based damage detection method is first introduced. Two objective functions for optimization are then introduced in terms of changing the natural frequencies and mode shapes. The multi-objective optimization problem (MOP) is formulated by using the two objective functions. Three considered MO algorithms consist of Colliding Bodies Optimization (MOCBO), Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO), and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) to achieve the best structural damage detection. The proposed methods are then applied to three planar steel frame structures. Compared to the traditional optimization methods utilizing the single-objective optimization (SO) algorithms, the presented methods provide superior results.
M. Golkar, R. Sheikholeslami,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2024)
Spillway design poses a significant challenge in effectively managing the energy within water flow to prevent erosion and destabilization of dam structures. Traditional approaches typically advocate for standard hydraulic jump stilling basins or other energy dissipators at spillway bases yet constructing such basins can be prohibitively large and costly, particularly when extensive excavation is necessary. Consequently, growing interest in cascade hydraulic structures has emerged over recent decades as an alternative for energy dissipation. These structures utilize a series of arranged steps to facilitate water flow, effectively dissipating energy as it traverses the cascade. Commonly deployed in scenarios involving high dams or steep gradients, the stepped configuration ensures efficient aeration and substantial energy dissipation along the structure, thereby reducing the size and cost of required stilling basins. Despite extensive research on hydraulic characteristics using physical and numerical models and established design procedures, construction cost optimization of step cascades remains limited but promising. This paper aims to address this gap by employing two novel gradient-based meta-heuristic optimization techniques to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of cascade stilling basin designs. Through comparative analyses and evaluations, this study demonstrates the efficacy of these techniques and offers insights for future research and applications in hydraulic structures design optimization.
A.r. Hajizadeh, M. Khatibinia, D. Hamidian,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2024)
The contourlet transform as an extension of the wavelet transform in two dimensions uses the multiscale and directional filter banks, and has a more adequate performance in comparison with the classical multi-scale representations. In this study, the efficiency of the contourlet transform is assessed for identifying the damage of plate structures in various conditions. The conditions include single damage and multi–damages with different shapes and severities, the different supports (i.e., boundary conditions), and the higher mode shapes,. For achieving this purpose, the process of the damage detection of plate structures using contourlet transform is implemented in the three steps. In the first step, the first mode shapes of a damaged plate and a reference state as the intact plate are obtained using the finite element method. In the second step, the damage indices are achieved by applying the contourlet transform to the responses of the first mode shapes for the damaged and intact plates. Finally, the location and the approximate shape of the damage are identified by plotting the damage indices. The obtained results indicate that the various conditions influence the performance of the contourlet transform for identifying the location and approximate shape of damages in plate structures.
P. Hosseini, A. Kaveh, A. Naghian, A. Abedi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (6-2024)
This study aimed to develop and optimize artificial stone mix designs incorporating microsilica using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Initially, 10 base mix designs were prepared and tested based on previous experience and literature. The test results were used to train an ANN model. The trained ANN was then optimized using SA-EVPS and EVPS algorithms to maximize 28-day compressive strength, with aggregate gradation as the optimization variable. The optimized mixes were produced and tested experimentally, revealing some discrepancies with the ANN predictions. The ANN was retrained using the original and new experimental data, and the optimization process was repeated iteratively until an acceptable agreement was achieved between predicted and measured strengths. This approach demonstrates the potential of combining ANNs and metaheuristic algorithms to efficiently optimize artificial stone mix designs, reducing the need for extensive physical testing.
M. Nikpey, M. Khatibinia, H. Eliasi,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2024)
In recent years, semi-active control has been introduced as a promising method for the seismic control of structures, potentially combining the benefits of both passive and active control systems. Magneto-rheological damper (MR) is one of the semi-active devices and its dynamic model is expressed by the Bouc-Wen model. The sliding sector control (SSC) strategy as a robust control approach is a class of variable structure (VS) systems for linear and nonlinear continuous-time systems with a special type of sliding sector using a new equivalent sector control. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the SSC strategy in determining the optimal voltage of MR at each step of time. For a numerical example, a three-story benchmark shear structure is considered subjected to normal (100%), high (150%), and low (50%) excitation levels of the El Centro earthquake. The results of the numerical simulations show that the semi-active control system consisting of the SSC strategy and an MR damper can be beneficial in reducing the seismic responses of structures. Furthermore, the efficiency of the SSC strategy is also compared against that of the fuzzy and clipped-optimal controllers. Comparative results of the numerical simulation confirm the robustness and ability of the SSC strategy.
B. Ahmadi-Nedushan, A. M. Almaleeh,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2024)
This study uses an elitist Genetic Algorithm (GA) to optimize material costs in one-way reinforced concrete slabs, adhering to ACI 318-19. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated the critical role of elitism in GA performance. Without elitism, the GA consistently failed to reach the target objective, with success rates often nearing zero across various crossover fractions. Incorporating elitism dramatically increased success rates, highlighting the importance of preserving high-performing individuals. With an optimal configuration of 0.3 crossover fraction and 0.45 elite percentage, a 92% success rate was achieved, finding a cost of 24.91 in 46 of 50 runs for a simply supported slab. This optimized design, compared to designs based on ACI 318-99 and ACI 318-08, yielded material cost savings of between 5.8% to 8.6% for simply supported, one-end continuous, both-ends continuous, and cantilevered slabs. The influence of slab dimensions on cost was evaluated across 64 scenarios, varying slab lengths from 5 to 20 feet for each support condition. Resulting cost versus slab length diagrams illustrate the economic benefits of GA optimization.
A. Hassan Radhi Alhilali, S. Gholizadeh, S. Tariverdilo,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (10-2024)
This paper employs neural network models to assess the seismic confidence levels at various performance levels, as well as the seismic collapse capacity of steel moment-resisting frame structures. Two types of shallow neural network models including back-propagation (BP) and radial basis (RB) models are utilized to evaluate the seismic responses. Both neural network models consist of a single hidden layer with a different number of neurons. The prediction accuracy of the trained neural network models is compared using two illustrative examples of 6- and 12-story steel moment-resisting frames. The obtained numerical results indicate that the BP model outperforms the RB model in predicting seismic responses.
M. Shahrouzi, M. Rashidi-Moghaddam,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2025)
Clustering is a well-known solution to deal with complex database features as an unsupervised machine learning technique. One of its practical applications is the selection of non-similar earthquakes for consequent analysis of structural models. In the present work, appropriate clustering of seismic data is searched via optimization. Silhouette value is penalized and used to define the performance objective. A stochastic search algorithm is combined with a greedy search to solve the problem for distinct sets of near–field and far-field ground motion records. The concept of coherency is borrowed from optics to propose a coherency metric for earthquake signals before and after being filtered by structural models. It is then evaluated for various cases of structural response-to-record and response-to-response comparisons. According to the results the proposed coherency detection procedure performs well; confirmed by distinguished structural response spectra between different clusters.
M. Rezaiee-Pajand, H. Estiri,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2025)
One of the goals of the nonlinear structural analysis is to reduce the required time for obtaining the numerical solution. More important than this issue, the nonlinear scheme could converge to the answers for all types of problems. A perfect nonlinear solver must have both of these specifications. This article aims to reduce the duration of structural analysis as well as to boost convergent requirements. To reach these two objectives, the authors simultaneously minimize the kinetic and residual structural energies. The ability of the new formulation is shown by solving several structures, with nonlinear geometrical behavior. Based on the compressive studies, numerical solutions show the high efficiency of the new method.
A. Kaveh, Sh. Rezazadeh Ardebili,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (1-2025)
Identification of damping properties for a mixed structure and its interaction with underlying soil is a challenge for structural designers. Current codes and available commercial software packages do not provide analytical solutions for such structural systems. Due to irregular damping ratios, dynamic response of each part of a mixed structure differs significantly. In addition, when the structure is subjected to seismic loads, the soil-structure interaction effects cannot be neglected. To manage these issues, this paper proposes an equivalent damping ratio for mixed structures by means of a semi-empirical error minimization method which considers soil-structure interaction. The results of numerical simulations indicate that the use of the equivalent damping ratios makes the results of dynamics analyses closer to the ones obtained by the actual damping ratios. Consequently, proposed method provides a much better approximation than the case in which the conservative overall ratio of 2% or 5% is used.