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Showing 3 results for Acceleration Response

M. A. Shayanfar, A. Kaveh, O. Eghlidos , B. Mirzaei,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2016)

In  this  paper,  a  method  is  presented  for  damage  detection  of  bridges  using  the  Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization (ECBO)  utilizing time-domain responses. The finite element modeling of the structure is based on  the equation of motion under the moving load, and the flexural stiffness of the structure is determined by the acceleration responses obtained via sensors placed in different places. Damage detection problem presented in this research is an inverse  problem,  which  is  optimized  by  the  ECBO  algorithm,  and  the  damages  in  the structures  are  fully  detected.  Furthermore,  for  simulating  the  real  situation,  the  effect  of measured noises is considered on the structure, to obtain more accurate results.

S. Fallahian, A. Joghataie , M.t. Kazemi,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2018)

An effective method utilizing the differential evolution algorithm (DEA) as an optimisation solver is suggested here to detect the location and extent of single and multiple damages in structural systems using time domain response method. Changes in acceleration response of structure are considered as a criterion for damage occurrence. The acceleration of structures is obtained using Newmark method. Damage is simulated by reducing the elasticity modulus of structural members. Three illustrative examples are numerically investigated, considering also measurement noise effect. All the numerical results indicate the high accuracy of the proposed method for determining the location and severity of damage.
M.r. Mohammadizadeh, E. Jahanfekr, S. Shojaee,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (10-2020)

The purpose of the present study is the damage detection in the thin plates in terms of the wide application of such structures in various branches of engineering such as structural, mechanical, aerospace, shipbuilding, etc. using gradient-based second-order numerical optimization techniques. The technique used for optimization in this study is the second-order Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (SOLMA). Using the acceleration response in a number of structural nodes under dynamic excitation, identification of the location and extent of damage in the plate elements are obtained by the proposed algorithm over an iterative cycle and by updating the sensitivity matrix. The damage has been assumed in the form of decreased modulus of elasticity in linear mode. A numerical problem has been solved and presented in order to verify and compare the proposed damage detection method with other methods. Also several numerical problems have been solved and its results have been presented in order to evaluate different scenarios such as one or more damages, small or large damage extent, absence or presence of noise with different levels, number of measured responses (number of sensors), position of measured points and the dynamic analysis time of the damage detection problem with the proposed method. The results show the appropriate accuracy, efficiency and performance of the proposed damage detection method.

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