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Showing 3 results for Genetic Algorithm (ga)

M. Mohebbi, S. Moradpour , Y. Ghanbarpour,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2014)

In this research, optimal design and assessment of multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMDs) capability in mitigating the damage of nonlinear steel structures subjected to earthquake excitation has been studied. Optimal parameters of TMDs on nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structures have been determined based on minimizing the maximum relative displacement (drift) of structure where for solving the optimization problem the genetic algorithm (GA) has been used successfully. For numerical analysis, three and nine storey 2-D moment resisting nonlinear steel frames subjected to far-field and near-field earthquakes and optimal MTMDs has been designed for different values of mass ratio and TMDs number. According to the results of numerical simulations, it can be said that MTMDs mechanism could reduce the damage of nonlinear steel structures where the effectiveness increases by increasing TMDs mass ratio. Also the performance of MTMDs depends on earthquake characteristics, mass ratio and TMDs configuration where in this research the effective case has been locating TMDs on top floor in parallel configuration.
A. K. Dixit, M. K. Roul, B. C. Panda,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2018)

The objective of this work is to predict the temperature of the different types of walls which are Ferro cement wall, reinforced cement concrete (RCC) wall and two types of cavity walls (combined RCC with Ferrocement and combined two Ferro cement walls) with the help of mathematical modeling. The property of low thermal transmission of small air gap between the constituents of combine materials has been utilized to obtain energy efficient wall section. Ferro cement is a highly versatile form of reinforced concrete made up of wire mesh, sand, water, and cement, which possesses unique qualities of strength and serviceability. The significant intention of the proposed technique is to frame a mathematical modeling with the aid of optimization techniques. Mathematical modeling is done by minimizing the cost and time consumed in the case of extension of the existing work. Mathematical modeling is utilized to predict the temperature of the different wall such as RCC wall, Ferro cement, combined RCC with Ferro cement and combined Ferro cement wall. The different optimization algorithms such as Social Spider Optimization (SSO), Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Group Search Optimization (GSO) are utilized to find the optimal weights α and β of the mathematical modeling. All optimum results demonstrate that the attained error values between the output of the experimental values and the predicted values are closely equal to zero with the SSO model. The results of the proposed work are compared with the existing methods and the minimum errors with SSO algorithm for the case of two combined RCC wall was found to be less than 2%.

M. Mohebbi, S. Bakhshinezhad,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (7-2023)

The semi-active bracing system locks or unlocks the stand-by braces in an on-off mode utilizing a variable stiffness device (VSD). In this paper, the optimal design of a semi-active bracing mechanism and evaluating its performance in mitigating structural vibration under seismic loading have been studied. The optimal stiffness values of the semi-active braces have been determined by solving two optimization problems including minimizing the maximum acceleration and also minimizing the maximum inter-story drift by imposing a constraint on the maximum acceleration. The genetic algorithm (GA) has been applied to solve the optimization problems. To illustrate the design procedure, an eight-story linear shear frame under earthquake record has been considered and the optimal semi-active braces have been designed. In addition, to assess the performance of optimal bracing system under other records which are different from design record in terms of intensity and frequency content, the structure equipped with optimally designed semi-active braces has been tested under several ground motion records. The results show that the optimal semi-active bracing system has simultaneously reduced different responses of the structure although the acceleration reduction has mainly been less compared to the drift reduction.

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