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Showing 1 results for Reliability-Based Optimal Design

R. Babaei Semriomi, A. Keyhani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (4-2022)

This paper introduces a reliability-based multi-objective design method for spatial truss structures. A multi-objective optimization problem has been defined considering three conflicting objective functions including truss weight, nodal deflection, and failure probability of the entire truss structure with design variables of cross sectional area of the truss members. The failure probability of the entire truss system has been determined considering the truss structure as a series system. To this end, the uncertainties of the applied load and the resistance of the truss members have been accounted by generating a set of 50 random numbers. The limitations of members' allowable have been defined as constraints. To explain the methodology, a 25-bar benchmark spatial truss has been considered as the case study structure and has been optimally designed using the game theory concept and genetic algorithm (GA). The results show effectiveness and simplicity of the proposed method which can provide Pareto optimal solution. These optimal solutions can provide both safety and reliability for the truss structure.

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