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Showing 3 results for Steel Frames

S. Kazemzadeh Azad, O. Hasançebi , S. Kazemzadeh Azad,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2014)

Computational cost of metaheuristic based optimum design algorithms grows excessively with structure size. This results in computational inefficiency of modern metaheuristic algorithms in tackling optimum design problems of large scale structural systems. This paper attempts to provide a computationally efficient optimization tool for optimum design of large scale steel frame structures to AISC-LRFD specifications. To this end an upper bound strategy (UBS), which is a recently proposed strategy for reducing the total number of structural analyses in metaheuristic optimization algorithms, is used in conjunction with an exponential variant of the well-known big bang-big crunch optimization algorithm. The performance of the UBS integrated algorithm is investigated in the optimum design of two large-scale steel frame structures with 3860 and 11540 structural members. The obtained numerical results clearly reveal the usefulness of the employed technique in practical optimum design of large-scale structural systems even using regular computers.
H. Rahami, P. Mohebian, M. Mousavi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (7-2017)

The present study sets out to integrate the performance-based seismic design approach with the connection topology optimization method. Performance-based connection topology optimization concept aims to simultaneously optimize the size of members and the type of connections with respect to the framework of performance-based seismic design. This new optimization concept is carried out for unbraced and X-braced steel frames in order to assess its efficiency. The cross-sectional area of components and the type of beam-to-column connections are regarded as design variables. The objective function is formulated in terms of the material costs and the cost of rigid connections. The nonlinear pushover analysis is adopted to acquire the response of the structure at various performance levels. In order to cope with the optimization problem, CBO algorithm is employed. The achieved results demonstrate that incorporating the optimal arrangement of beam-to-column connections into the optimum performance-based design procedure of either unbraced or X-braced steel frame could lead to a design that significantly reduces the overall cost of the structure and offers a predictable and reliable performance for the structure subjected to hazard levels.

V. Goodarzimehr, F. Salajegheh,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2024)

The analysis and design of high-rise structures is one of the challenges faced by researchers and engineers due to their nonlinear behavior and large displacements. The moment frame system is one of the resistant lateral load-bearing systems that are used to solve this problem and control the displacements in these structures. However, this type of structural system increases the construction costs of the project. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new method that can optimize the weight of these structures. In this work, the weight of these significant structures is optimized by using one of the latest metaheuristic algorithms called special relativity search. The special relativity search algorithm is mainly developed for the optimization of continuous unconstrained problems. Therefore, a penalty function is used to prevent violence of the constraints of the problem, which are tension, displacement, and drift. Also, using an innovative technique to transform the discrete problem into a continuous one, the optimal design is carried out. To prove the applicability of the new method, three different problems are optimized, including an eight-story one-span, a fifteen-story three-span bending frame, and a twenty-four-story three-span moment frame. The weight of the structure is the objective function, which should be minimized to the lowest possible value without violating the constraints of the problem. The calculation of stress and displacements of the structure is done based on the regulations of AISC-LRFD requirements. To validate, the results of the proposed algorithm are compared with other advanced metaheuristic methods.

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