Abstract: (21953 Views)
In the present study, ten steel-moment resisting frames (SMRFs) having different numbers of stories ranging from 3 to 20 stories and fundamental periods of vibration ranging from 0.3 to 3.0 second were optimized subjected to a set of earthquake ground motions using the concept of uniform damage distribution along the height of the structures. Based on the step-by-step optimization algorithm developed for uniform damage distribution, ductility-dependent strength reduction factor spectra were computed subjected to a given far-fault earthquake ground motion. Then, the mean ductility reduction factors subjected to 20 strong ground motions were computed and compared with those designed based on load pattern of ASCE-7-16 (similar to standard No. 2800) code provision. Results obtained from parametric studies indicate that, except in short-period structures, for moderate and high levels of inelastic demand the structures designed based on optimum load pattern with uniform damage distribution along the height require larger seismic design base shear strength when compared to the frames designed based on the code provisions, which is more pronounced for long-period structures i.e., the structural system becomes more flexible. This phenomenon can be associated to the P-delta effect tending to increase the story drift ratios of flexible structures, especially at the bottom stories. For practical purpose, a simplified expression which is a function of fundamental period and ductility demand to estimate ductility-dependent strength reduction factors of designed SMRFs according to code-based lateral load pattern is proposed.
Type of Study:
Research |
Optimal design Received: 2018/06/1 | Accepted: 2018/06/1 | Published: 2018/06/1